about 3 months ago i received a call
from someone i didn’t know
detailing the paths of stars across the galaxy
how their gravities can affect each other
dragging towards inevitable demise
despite being light years apart.

i blocked the number
because they ended up being a telemarketer
(a real human telemarketer, shockingly)
but that sentiment stuck with me for some reason
and now i can't stop thinking about the sun

Twenty years ago the direction the earth spun was reversed
The moon came to a grinding halt as it rose,
Dusk lasted for hours.
Then, after what felt like forever, the sun rose
From right where it had set just before.
They say in the past people used
To record every celestial anomaly they could observe
Lunar eclipses, azimuth, the like.
Why do comets return so faithfully?
Why does the moon pull the tides?
When is the next equinox?
All the astronomers nowadays
Only care about one question

arcilla i see ya
in the center of a censor
no amount of words
make it intenser
no amount of words
would make the incense burn

no ammount of imagery

will ever be